Friday 9 November 2007

News Flash!

Welcome to another News Flash!
Cartman and Butters Pages Added
We are proud to announce are new Cartman and Butters Pages!
Theese Pages are full of content including videos that match the character i.e Butters Very Own Episode is on the Butters Page.
Some songs or sound clips have been added to the pages.
Games for the Charcter have been added
And there is a lot more info about the character
Plus the image galleries for the character to!

1113 On Site
The latest episode 1113 Guitar Queer-o has been added. We had a problem with that the episode stopped playing half way through, but now it is fixed.
Season 11 Downloads will be added next week!
And the last episode of Season 11 will be added next week. Thursday 4pm
Details coming up on Monday!
Other News
The Homepage may have a slight re-design, this will make it easier to use
Animations willl be added as the next thing to be new!
The episodes will be fixed that are broken shortly
Keep On visiting the site please we have nearly made it to 9000 hits!

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