Friday 19 October 2007

News Flash!

News Flash!its that time of the week again :)So not that much updates but lets starts on the latest ep.
1110 On Site
The latest ep of SP is on our site a little later than usual because we had problmes finding the ep. It was quite good well we think anyway! We would like to know what you think about the ep email and some of the thoughts may be put on our website.
More News Now about our site and Sp coming up! Image Gallerys coming soon.We are currnetly creating some galleries at a freewebs site. It is taking a while top upload the pics because there is a problem with the uploader. We will have tons of new images and more details in the next two Merge
Because of this new Image Gallery we will have tons of space. We are thinking of SP stuff to put on the site but we thought It would be could if we could some of the stuff on our site. We are thinking about very seriously If you would like to have a say on this email And Thats It No Updates until Thursday week because we are away See ya!

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